Monday, July 25, 2011


Chocolate fondant with a spicy surprise! This calorie-packed dessert is really worth the sacrifice, a dark chocolate cake with creamy, gooey inside. Just dig a spoon (or a fork!) in there, and watch the warm chocolate fondant unveil - Yum!

Makes 4
100g Butter (Cut into smaller pieces)
100g Dark Chocolate (Chopped)
100g Flour
100g Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
Crushed&Dried Chilli

For the moulds
20g Warm butter
Cocoa powder


- Start with the moulds, creme brulee moulds (5-6cm diameter and 5-6cm deep) fit perfectly. Using the warm butter, brush over the inside of the mould. Place the moulds into a freezer. When the butter is frozen, brush more butter over it, creating two layers.
-Add cocoa powder, turning the mould and tapping lightly so the powder completely coats the butter. Tap the excess powder out.
-In a larger pot, heat up some water (don't let it boil) and place a smaller bowl or pot over it, then melt the chocolate and butter together.
- Add a pinch of crushed & dried chilli (careful with this one, make sure you know how strong it is.) and remove the bowl from the heat and stir until smooth. Let it cool down for about 10 minutes.
-Whisk the eggs and sugar together until it thickens (easier with an electric whisk). Sift the flour and  gently mix together with the eggs.
-Carefully pour the melted chocolate and butter into the egg and flour mix in thirds, carefully mixing until you get a thick, consistent chocolate cake batter.
-Grab your prepared moulds from the freezer and divide the batter evenly into all four moulds, easier if you take a spoon dipped in water. (The chocolate fondants can easily be frozen and cooked from frozen, letting you keep the desserts for up to a month in your freezer. Just add about 4-5 minutes to the cooking time.)

About time...

-Heat your oven to 200C/Fan 180C/ Gas 6. Place the fondants on a tray and cook for 10-13 minutes until you can see the tops forming a crust. Take them out and let them sit for a minute or two.
-Carefully pick up a mould with a thick kitchen towel and very gently move the tops so that they start to come away from the sides.
- Tip on a plate and serve with caramel sauce, vanilla sauce, berries, jams... It's your call! Don't forget the ball of icecream, though...


1 comment:

  1. Making this for my mates tomorrow. I'll let ya know how it goes ^^

