Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let's talk porridge.

To most, porridge reminds of a filling, hearty breakfast since childhood. 
Often rivaled by the sugar-packed cereals, many kids have taken a slight dislike to this very nutritious day-starter.(Remember the mornings where a nice steaming plate of porridge was placed before you, your mother asking you to eat with a strict tone? Yet you'd rather have a bowl of Froot Loops?) 
Modern life, hectic as it is, provides many with the idea (aka excuse), that we don't have the time to whip up a bowl of goody-filled porridge.

In fact, one of the very nutritious, tasty porridges (More than half your daily need of omega-3 fatty acids is in that bowl of porridge and enough manganese to quench your daily requirement.) - Oatmeal, takes just 10-15 minutes.
It's so simple, and perfect for either a salty or sweet meal. (Just add by taste, a drop of butter; lightly grated cheese, or go for something sweet instead, dried fruits, a hint of vanilla, dash of sugar, cinnamon, jam, honey.. endless. )  - And most of all, takes so little effort to prepare a healthy, delish bowl of Oatmeal. 

Serves 2
Two thirds of a cup of Oat flakes
-  One - two cup(s) of water 
-  Half a cup of cream - (Or use one and a half cups of milk and one cup of water*)
-  Dash of salt & sugar. (Always go for brown Demerara sugar instead of refined if possible.)

Grab a little saucepan, turn the heat to medium, and add the water (Save yourself time and bring the water to boil in a kettle.) Add a drop of salt, oats and stir on medium heat, give a little dash of sugar. 
Stir until the water is nearly absorbed. (3-5min.) - Add your cream (or Milk.*). Keep stirring and turn the heat on low, letting the porridge simmer for a minute or two. Stir enough so the porridge doesn't burn to the bottom. A fresh pot of delicious, healthy goodness is ready! 

Serve with stuff  to your liking (Try with a little sugar, cinnamon and diced apple - or go for the more traditional approach! - jams, honey, butter, fruits...)

* The reason why I use cream instead of milk - Cream and thicker products like yoghurt are much easier to  
    handle for lacto-intolerants.
    Even if you're not lactose-intolerant, cream gives your porridge a much nicer consistency and richer taste.

1 comment:

  1. i just need to make some oatmeal right now....yummmmm

